Sep 7, 2015

Yeyyyy.... 100th Recipe!!!!

I started this blog in 2013. I scribbled all my experiments with food and day to day recipes.
You know a secret? at some point, this blog turned out as my personal food journal and I refer this blog while making my own recipes ;)
Now I'm here with my 100th recipe. I'm very happy to post Krishna Jayanthi recipes as my 100th post.
And I Thank all my Friends, Visitors for keeping my blog live and vibrant!!!!!!


  1. congrts...
    You have a good Blog and great content on your blog.Keep sharing.

  2. Hi,
    We have gone through your blog/website and find many nice recipes on it. You are having amazing cooking skills and we appreciate your work and want to make it reach to the right people who love food and cooking. So, let us help you in becoming more famous and make them visually hungry by your cooking skills. We will be very much happy to have you on our
    We would like to showcase your recipes on our website. All you have to do is, just sign up and send your favorite recipe links via submit your recipe links option OR to save your time more, we can add your recipes into your profile on your behalf (if you permit us) and will promote you & your recipes. Linking back to your blog/website can be done. Also, you can add YouTube video in your profile.
    Current offers -
    If you face any problem in registering or in uploading the recipe, please contact us at or you can write us back also. We will be very happy to help you. You feedback is also important to us for making your experience amazing and wonderful.
    Your contribution will mean a lot to us.
    Thanks in advance.
    Onfoodie Team


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